Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Akon Says To All African Americans In USA ” We Need To Move Back To Africa” Over George Zimmerman Verdict

Akon 2
Out of all the celebrities filling their Twitter timelines over the George Zimmerman ‘Not guilty’ verdict, there are only a few of them actually making sense.
Singer and music mogul Akon recently hit everyone with a different perspective of this whole George Zimmerman vs. Trayvon Martin craziness… he is insisting that all black people should pack their things and move to Africa, where you live as royalty
Akon, obviously bitter with George Zimmerman not being found guilty of second-degree murder and manslaughter in the shooting death of 17 year old Trayvon Martin posted this statement on his Instagram account yesterday.
Akon 1Akon himself was born in Africa, of Senegalese descent to be exact.
Do you agree with ‘Kon?

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