Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Nigerian Government Is Running Away From Her Responsibilities.

Dear SKB Readers,
My name is Olawale Sanni a.k.a Kusby, the owner of Sanni Kusby Blog, I have something important to discuss with each and every citizens of this great nation (Nigeria) around the world and mostly to those that hasn't heard about what I'm about to talk about.
Some weeks ago, some of you must have been hearing a speculations about  'CHILD MARRIAGE' Yes! That's exactly what I can call it. Giving a hand of a 13 years old girl out in marriage is a bad habit and criminal. As a 13 years old girl, what does she know about MARITAL LIFE? a 13 years old girl should be in school studying hard to become someone better in life not to be under a man's roof calling herself a housewife.
This is insane, this is not right. How can a customs and tradition which is against the supreme law of the country should be practice? I strongly believe in some of our customs and traditions but giving a 13 years old girl out in marriage, isn't one of them. Nigerian Government should try to provide employment to the unemployed graduates, provide the means for the less privilege, provide free and compulsory education to the citizens of this great nation, not trying to incite a 13 years old girl to early marriage.
The law makers who are suppose to be the role model to the citizens, turned the House of Assembly into war zone, using weapons and destroying government property in the house. What foundation were they laying down to the next political aspirant? 
Children are suppose to be in a better institution, live there lives and get married whenever they are ready not in early marriage institution.  
This bill is criminal and whoever support it should be prosecuted.
This stupidity has been happening in the northern part of Nigeria years back and just because it's still existing there doesn't mean the so called senators should pass it into Law. And this same people who are trying to pass this bill into law don't have their children in the country, their children attends better schools in Europe and America and they are here in the country trying to force an underage girl to start living under a man's roof at the age of 13.
To me, this is a very big sin against God and humanity. These kids that you want to marry out early know nothing about marriage. Do you expect them to start learning all those things with their so-called husbands? Sometimes I ask myself, how would an old man feel sleeping with a kid? When a man gets married to a girl below the age of 18, he should be charged to court for PAEDOPHILIA (A sexual attractions to children). There is a law in the US that protects children. Any adult that has anything to do with a minor is charged under that Law. It is regarded as contributing to the delinquency of a minor and carries a capital punishment.
I am a bonafide citizen of Nigeria and I Say No to Child Marriage. 
If you're a good citizen of this country, if you don't want the Labour of our past Hero to be in vain, if you want the progress of this country, Please Say No To Underage Marriage because it's Illegal, it's  Criminal and it's Child Abuse.

God Bless Nigeria, God bless Africa

Thank you and please remember to leave a comment below.

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